
Public document developed to answer questions from citizens of Casselman on water restrictions

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Frequently asked questions - Municipality of Casselman

1. Will the new water restriction be in effect only for this year?

For several years, the municipality has imposed limits on water consumption during the months of May to September. The regulations are more restrictive this year and will be re-evaluated after the hot season, according to the figures obtained for the 2024 season.

2. Do restrictions on daytime water use apply to private businesses such as car washes or garden centers?

No, private companies are not covered by the ban.

3. What happens if the regulatory officer catches me watering my garden outside of permitted hours?

You may be subject to a warning or a fine of $150.

4. Where can I find the details of the municipal by-law that was adopted to limit the use of water?

This is regulation 2018-24 which you can find by following this link:

5. I work every evening during my outdoor water permit period. What do I have to do?

Watering is permitted from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Tuesdays for odd-numbered civic addresses and on Wednesdays for even-numbered civic addresses. You can also use private services that offer water for a fee.

6. The municipality charges me for the consumption of 10 cubic meters of water per month and it is up to me to decide when I will use it.

We must work together to minimize peak water consumption times. We understand that the situation is not easy but we must come together to overcome the problem. Your cooperation is highly appreciated.

7. What is the capacity of the water treatment plant?

Our water treatment plant has the capacity to treat 3,182 cubic meters of drinking water per day. The maximum residential consumption observed is 1,960 m3 per day. This represents 63% of our capacity. Our goal is to reduce water consumption to approximately 40% of our capacity.

8. The municipality has approved too many new projects and that is why we all need to reduce our water consumption.

It is the province that calculates the water and sewer infrastructure capacity of municipalities. The municipality decides how many real estate projects the city council can approve over the years. Casselman's infrastructure, including water and sewers, can support all approved projects for new divisions, new buildings or new neighborhoods that are currently managed by the municipality.

9. I just moved to Casselman and in the last city or province where I lived I did not have to pay a water bill. Why is it different here?

Several municipalities in Canada have chosen to bill water at a flat rate, from the property tax bill. In Ontario, the majority of municipalities choose to install water meters. This is the case in Casselman.

10. My neighbors don't use their allotted watering time on days when I can't use my water. Can I take their day off? Can we exchange days?

No. Council approved the recommendation to indefinitely restrict any external use of drinking water in accordance with article 10.3 of by-law 2018-024 from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Tuesdays for odd-numbered civic addresses and on Wednesdays for even-numbered civic addresses.

12. Is this ban due to a lack of water in the river?

No, the South Nation River provides enough water for the consumption of the population of Casselman.

13. Can I use water straight from the river to fill jugs for my garden

Of course. The restriction is for drinking water treated in our plant.

14. Does this water restriction have anything to do with brown water?

Not at all.

15. We don't see a problem with manganese at the moment, so why these restrictions?

These restrictions are intended to assess the amount of water consumed and have nothing to do with manganese in the water.

16. Do other municipalities have outdoor water use restrictions?

Most municipalities in the United Counties of Prescott-Russell impose restrictions on water consumption from May to September.

17. I missed my day! Can I water another day at the same time?

No, watering is permitted from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Tuesdays for civic addresses.

18. Will the Municipality help people obtain rain barrels?

Nothing is planned for this purpose at the moment.

19. My lawn and my garden are dying. What can I do?

Watering is permitted from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Tuesdays for odd-numbered civic addresses and on Wednesdays for even-numbered civic addresses. You can also use private services that offer to water flowers and gardens for a fee.
